
One of the most common issues that seems to pop up for people doing the work to overcome an anxiety disorder is emotions and how to deal with them while in the recovery.

What do I do when I feel sad, or angry, or generally upset? Is that wrong?  Is this a setback in my recovery?  Its it OK to cry or otherwise express my emotions when they come up?  My friend Joe Ryan and I talk about how its perfectly OK and normal to experience emotions, and how its healthy and productive to express them whenever and however you need to.  We answer common questions, address common concerns, and point out potential pitfalls when dealing with those emotional times.

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Podcast Intro/Outro Music: "Afterglow" by Ben Drake (With Permission)



Find Joe at https://joeryan.com or on Instagram @joeryan.



Founder and host of The Anxious Truth podcast. Therapist-in-training specializing in anxiety and anxiety disorders. Author. Podcaster. Educator. Advocate. Former anxious person.