Want To Be A Guest On The Anxious Truth?

I have very few guests on this podcast. When I do have guests, they are either members of the community that want to share their anxiety success stories, or clinicians and authors that you’ve likely never heard of because they don’t sell lots of books and aren’t big name speakers. I have them on because they share my theoretical orientation and they speak directly to some of the most effective and empirically supported anxiety recovery treatments available to us today. 

I did not start this podcast to help anyone promote themselves or to pepper my listeners with books, programs, coaching, products, or personal stories. Yet, I get a minimum of 20 guest pitches every day, most of which pretend to know what my podcast is about but are obviously lying or they would not be pitching me to begin with. My time is my most valuable resource. I do not owe anyone a chat, feedback on their pitch, a reason I’m not interested, or even any reply at all.

It doesn’t matter how many followers you have on social media. It doesn’t matter that you (or your PR agent) think that you being on my podcast is somehow an “opportunity” for me (it isn’t). I know you think your book, program, course, or personal story is unique and special and somehow worthy of attention. It isn’t. I see the same pitch and the same stories 20+ times every day.

Your pitch is going to get deleted. You don’t need to follow up. You don’t need to “bump the conversation up in my inbox because you know I’m busy”. It’s not a conversation because you are the only one talking. 

And if you are from a booking agency or PR agency, I’m probably going to block your email address completely. Don’t take it personally. 


Advertising on The Anxious Truth

There is no advertising on The Anxious Truth. To be completely honest, my audience has collectively spent a huge amount of time and money on products and services that promised to take away anxiety, cure them, calm them, regulate them and make them feel better. In the vast majority of cases, the reviews and outcomes are best described as abysmal and people feel mislead, cheated, and taken advantage of. If you are reading this because you are sure that your program, wellness product, or service is amazing, I can tell you with a reasonably high degree of certainty that members of my community are generally at a point where they simply do not agree and are not interested. They’ve been burned again and again and they generally do not trust you, so connecting you with my listeners is not something I am interested in doing.

I do not want to partner with you to promote what you’re selling. I am not interested in how much money you think you will make me. I do not want an affiliate code or a free sample of your stuff. I don’t need or want to be a brand ambassador. Sorry. We are not a good fit for each other.

Are you a “good apple” being punished for the actions of the “bad apples” when I say all this? 


Life often isn’t fair.


So You Want To Improve My Sales Funnels, Website Copy, Conversion Rate, or YouTube Views?


I literally hear from 10-15 gurus just like you with the same emails every day. Every one of you thinks you’ve written the perfect catchy email that will get my attention and make me want to talk to you. Wrong. They. Are. All. The. Same. And if you have to resort to sending cold emails to build your own business because nobody has ever heard of you, what makes you think you’re impressing me in any way? I don’t do this for views or high “conversion rates” so when you think you’re getting me by saying “if you’re not interested in money or growth” … you are right. I’m kinda not so you literally bring nothing of value to the table for me.

Instantly not interested. Forever. Welcome to my email block list.  Have a nice day.