
What Does A Panic Attack Feel Like?

Let’s unpack the harrowing reality of a panic attack, peeling back the layers to expose the heart-thumping, breath-stealing beast it can be. My journey as a therapist in training, fused with raw personal encounters, brings a unique perspective to the forefront. We dissect those suffocating episodes, where your own body feels like an unwieldy adversary, and thoughts of impending doom loom over you like a dark cloud. In this episode we can work together to comprehend the true gravity of those moments and the relentless quest for an escape hatch.

This is the second in my “Foundations of Panic” series so come back in the next 4-5 episodes for a deep dive into the mechanics of panic and panic attacks, how to best approach them, why they happen, why they’re not dangerous, and what turns panic attacks into chronic conditions like panic disorder or agoraphobia.

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What Does A Panic Attack Feel Like?

A panic attack is a daunting experience for many. The overwhelming sense of fear, the physiological reactions that mimic life-threatening conditions, and the mental anguish that follows can feel like a real battle for survival. Let’s delve into the heart of panic attacks, using both professional insights and personal experience to shed light on this highly impactful and scary experience. This episode serves as a comprehensive guide for those new to the experience of panic attacks and a source of solidarity for those all too familiar with the struggle.

Anyone who has experienced the racing heart, the breathlessness, and the sheer terror of a panic attack knows that it is as real as it gets. Let’s begin by unraveling the layers of a panic attack, explaining how they can strike without warning, turning the body into a perceived enemy and the mind into a prison of fear. The physical symptoms of panic attacks are just the tip of the iceberg. Heart palpitations, sweating, trembling, and sensations of choking are just a few of the manifestations of this complex disorder. These symptoms are accompanied by an intense fear of dying, going insane, or losing control. And despite the absence of real danger, the body’s fight or flight response is activated to a debilitating degree, making logical thought nearly impossible.

Incredibly Scary, But Not Actually Dangerous

It’s always important to remember that even though panic attacks feel incredibly scary and will convince you that something is very wrong, you are still safe.  A panic attack feels very dangerous or like the harbinger of doom, but there is no real danger in feeling the way you feel when you panic.

So It’s All In My Head?

No!  Definitely not. While “all in your head” would seem like a logical way to describe being in no actual danger, it completely invalidates and minimizes the experience. The fear you feel during a panic attack is 100% real. You really do feel actual fear and experience an actual sense of doom or imminent threat. You are not imagining in this experience. It is real! The fear just isn’t based on any real threat or danger.  Don’t let anyone tell you that panic is all in your head. That’s not a fair or accurate way to describe what’s happening.

Takeaways From This Episode:

  • Panic attacks are terrifying experiences that can be triggered without any apparent reason.
  • Physical symptoms of panic attacks include difficulty breathing, racing heart, sweating, dizziness, and trembling.
  • Scary thoughts and anxious feelings, such as fear of dying or losing control, are common during panic attacks.
  • The lizard brain, responsible for detecting threats, takes over during panic attacks, making logical reasoning ineffective.
  • Panic attacks ultimately end, although the post-panic attack period may involve lingering fear and vulnerability.
  • Avoidance of panic attacks can lead to learned patterns and the development of conditions like panic disorder or agoraphobia.
  • Panic attack triggers can be diverse and may create a sense that everything can trigger a panic attack.
  • Recovery from panic attacks is possible through small steps and perseverance, offering hope to those struggling with panic.

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Podcast Intro/Outro Music: "Afterglow" by Ben Drake (With Permission)





Founder and host of The Anxious Truth podcast. Therapist-in-training specializing in anxiety and anxiety disorders. Author. Podcaster. Educator. Advocate. Former anxious person.