
Anxiety Recovery and Neurodivergence Issues

Anxiety recovery can be a highly individual journey. This is especially true if you have ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, or otherwise identify as neurodivergent. While there are certainly general principles we rely on, every person will find recovery to present specific and unique challenges that have to be addressed as part of the process. For neurodivergent members of our community, this is also true.

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Anxiety recovery … does it “work” for neurodivergent people?

The good news is that an ADHD, ASD, or other diagnosis does not mean that recovery will not work for you, or that you will never be able to overcome your anxiety issues. Dr. Terri Bacow was kind enough to spend time with me to address some of the more common questions I hear from our neurodivergent friends when it comes to anxiety and recovery. Terri specializes in treating anxiety disorders and is also highly trained and experienced in working with neurodivergent clients. Her understanding and insight in this area is so valuable!

Do you have to “recover different” because you have ADHD or are on the autism spectrum? Everyone has to recover in their own way so the answer is yes, but your neurodivergence does not mean that you can’t get better or can’t take a cognitive-behavioral approach to recovery.

Can neurodivergent people overcoming chronic and disordered anxiety? They can. Especially with the help of an experienced and well trained clinician, our ever growing understanding of neurodivergent issues and challenges means we’re developing excellent ways to adapt the recovery process to meet those issues and challenges.

Find Dr. Terri Bacow Online:

Other episodes you may find interesting:

Episode 084 – Anxiety and Autism/Neurodiversity Issues w/Christa Holmans

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Podcast Intro/Outro Music: "Afterglow" by Ben Drake (With Permission)






Founder and host of The Anxious Truth podcast. Therapist-in-training specializing in anxiety and anxiety disorders. Author. Podcaster. Educator. Advocate. Former anxious person.