Drew Linsalata - Creator and Host of The Anxious Truth

Drew Linsalata

Creator and Host

I am the creator and host of The Anxious Truth podcast, which boasts 3 million downloads and a thriving, engaged social media community.  I’m also a therapist-in-training specializing in anxiety and anxiety disorder, a bestselling author on the topic of anxiety and anxiety recovery, an educator, and advocate in the anxiety disorder community.  A former sufferer of panic disorder, agoraphobia, and clinical depression for more than 25 years before fully recovering, I’ve lived the experiences I speak and write about.

I want to help you understand and overcome your anxiety issues!

I am told that I have a gift for putting things in easy to understand terms, so I will keep doing that as best I can.  I pride myself on bringing a confident, calming voice to the anxiety and anxiety recovery conversation.

In 2020, I published two books on anxiety and anxiety recovery.  An Anxiety Story and The Anxious Truth have quickly become required reading for anyone suffering with anxiety and in need of education, instruction, inspiration, encouragement and empowerment. In 2021 I published Seven Percent Slower, a friendly and easy to read guide for using the art of slowing down to move through anxiety, fear, and stress. I’ve also ghost written books on anxiety and anxiety recovery for others, but that’s a bit of a secret and I can’t tell you any more than that for obvious reasons. 😉

I’m really happy you’re here.  I hope you find my work useful in some way.


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