
This is the 200th episode of The Anxious Truth podcast.


When I started this podcast in 2014 all by myself, talking to myself in my living room (it was called “That Anxiety Guy”) back then, I would never have imagined where it would go.  The podcast was something I did just to pay things forward into the universe.  I had no plan, no desired outcome, and no real interest in doing any more than that.

I just hit the button on my four dollar podcasting app, and said things that I hoped would be helpful for somebody.  It was the least I could do.

Since then, and especially in the last three years or so, you have driven this thing to a place I never expected it to go.  You guys did this.  I am grateful not only for the opportunity to speak TO you, but to speak WITH you, because that has been the fuel that sustained The Anxious Truth and helped it become what it is now.

  • We changed the name in 2019
  • I’ve published three books since 2020
  • We’ve surprised 2 MILLION downloads
  • The podcast is now listened to over 125,000 times every month around the world
  • The podcast now consistently charts in the top 100 mental health podcasts in the largest English speaking countries in the world
  • And as of March 21, 2022 I am a full time graduate student in Clinical Mental Health Counseling en route to being a licensed psychotherapist.

Never in a million years did I see this happening, and I have you all to thank you.  This podcast – the podcast that you drive – has changed my life and I will never be able to thank you all for it.  I’ll just keep doing my best to be useful and to repay the debt.

So … here we go into the next 200 episodes.  I want you guys to continue to steer this ship.  I will do my best to a be a worthy steward while you do that.  Got suggestions?  Let’s hear them!  Want to see me cover a topic you think I’ve missed?  Let’s hear it!  Have a guest or two that you’d like me to have on the show?  Tell me about them!

I might be the voice of The Anxious Truth, but you are its heart and soul, and I want it to remain that way.

Thank you again for everything.  Really.


PS. I promised to link the article that Billy and I used to produce the Anxiety 101 series.  Here it is:

Dealing With Anxiety – The Only Way Out Is Through


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Podcast Intro/Outro Music: "Afterglow" by Ben Drake (With Permission)






Founder and host of The Anxious Truth podcast. Therapist-in-training specializing in anxiety and anxiety disorders. Author. Podcaster. Educator. Advocate. Former anxious person.