
So, here’s some great news if you deal with emetophobia. Bet you didn’t think you’d ever hear that, did you? Well, Drew’s guest on this week’s episode is here to spread some great news, and her energy is absolutely infectious! Christia was emetophobic for decades, and she ran from any sort of incidents or fear of incidents so often…until she got tired of it and decided to make a change.

Now, she is sharing her story to spread her hope to other people. As she tells it, she is 100% over it and has no fear of vomiting or being around someone who is. What is even cooler is that she didn’t need to know her triggering event; she could still use EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) and other therapies to overcome the fear that was controlling her life. 

Emetophobia is the fear of vomiting.  People with emetophobia are terrified at the thought of vomiting, and have extreme fear reactions when confronted with any suggestion, mention, sound, scent, or sight of vomiting.  It often accompanies the more common anxiety disorders like panic disorder and agoraphobia.  For many that suffer with emetophobia, they view the problem as an insurmountable obstacle that will keep them from full anxiety recovery.


  1. Dudes and dudettes, you can totally get better!
  2. Overcoming emetophobia is no different than overcoming any fear. So if you know the treatment for other phobias, you know the treatment for this.
  3. Millions of people in the world have emetophobia. Millions! You are not alone. Just reading that feels better, doesn’t it?

Once again, taking that first step to master the journey is going to require work. It is going to mean dredging up mental fortitude, and you won’t like it. Your feelings in your recovery are important, yes, but they can’t be more important than the actions you commit to taking to get better. But…you already know this unless you’re a first-time listener. We are big fans of the work around here!

Emetophobia can’t keep you down without your permission. You can conquer anything in your life, even the things you think you can’t. Maybe, especially those.

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Podcast Intro/Outro Music: "Afterglow" by Ben Drake (With Permission)






Founder and host of The Anxious Truth podcast. Therapist-in-training specializing in anxiety and anxiety disorders. Author. Podcaster. Educator. Advocate. Former anxious person.