
Anxiety Success Stories – Cruz Does It Scared

If you want anxiety success stories, look no further than Jon Brandon Cruz (aka “Cruz”).  Cruz went from riddled with panic and afraid to leave his apartment, to a world publicity tour with Dwayne The Rock Johnson to help promote the Black Adam movie release.  Grab a beverage and listen to how Cruz took the principles of recovery and ran with them.

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  • Cruz is in a high stakes, high stress line of work.  He’s supporting big named in Hollywood and working on some pretty big films.  There must be a long line of people that would love to take over his position.
  • At some point, the anxiety of his work started triggering panic attacks.  In short order, Cruz went from engaged with his work to being crippled by recurring panic attacks and driven by avoidance. After stepping away from his work for a while to address his anxiety issues, he found himself at one point stuck in his apartment, afraid to leave.
  • Knowing that he was sliding into a deeper and deeper hole, Cruz armed himself with the principles of recovery, decided he did not want to be that way any longer, and got to work.
  • Cruz was a model of how recovery works when the principles are applied.  His recovery took place very quickly, but that’s only because he was able to do 5-6 exposures every single day and was committed to the process and allowing those experiences to teach him valuable lessons.
  • Not everyone is going to recover in two months. It takes however long it takes.  But the mechanism works the same way, regardless of how quickly you’re going or not going. Take inspiration from Cruz’s story!
  • Even with a relatively fast recovery, Cruz was not immune to “bad days”.  He had them too!  Everyone does.  He just didn’t let them pin him down for extended periods of time.
  • You’ve heard me say many times that the recovery process made me a better person.  There were so many valuable lessons that I’m thrilled to take with me even to this day.  It was great to hear Cruz echo those sentiments. Recovery made him a better version of himself!
  • One thing I really appreciate about Cruz is his self-awareness.  He is aware that he was fortunate to have the ability to make recovery his full time job, and he expresses gratitude for the people in his life that supported him and cheered for him when he felt like he was letting them down.
  • I cannot thank Cruz enough for stopping by to share his story.  I hope you find it inspiring and encouraging the same way I did.


Check out Cruz’s “Do It Scared” video on Instagram:


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Podcast Intro/Outro Music: "Afterglow" by Ben Drake (With Permission)






Founder and host of The Anxious Truth podcast. Therapist-in-training specializing in anxiety and anxiety disorders. Author. Podcaster. Educator. Advocate. Former anxious person.