
Anxiety Helpers Need Help Too

Recovery from an anxiety disorder can impact not only the recovering person, but the people close to them. Sometimes our anxiety helpers need help themselves!

When that happens, we may want to be supportive of them, but anxious fear may also turn this into a disaster. Anxiety may tell you that your helper reaching out for help is a nightmare and that the fear, uncertainty, and discomfort you feel about this turn of events means you must insert yourself into the process and try to control the narrative around the help they are accessing.

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Remain aware of this trap! You may find it very uncomfortable when your helpers reach out for help, but do not believe your anxiety when it insists that you must try to control what your loved ones feel, what they say, and who they say it to. This can cause even more problems than the anxiety itself has caused in the relationship. Giving in to these anxious demands and trying to soothe your fear by attempting to control things you do not have a right to control is buying short term relief at the expense of long term progress both in your relationships and your recovery.

This is a topic that does warrant some discussion so take a listen and I hope you find it helpful in some way.

Links of Interest:

How Can I Make My Family Understand My Anxiety

Someone I Care About Has Anxiety. How Can I Help? (Part 1)

Someone I Care About Has Anxiety. How Can I Help? (Part 2)

My Family Doesn’t Understand My Anxiety (Disordered episode 15)


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My Books | FREE Resources | Courses and Workshops | Disordered (with Josh Fletcher) | Join My Instagram Subscriber Group

Podcast Intro/Outro Music: "Afterglow" by Ben Drake (With Permission)






Founder and host of The Anxious Truth podcast. Therapist-in-training specializing in anxiety and anxiety disorders. Author. Podcaster. Educator. Advocate. Former anxious person.