
When Faster Than Normal author and podcast host Peter Shankman was officially diagnosed with ADHD, he decided that it wasn’t a liability, but rather a bit of a superpower.  Peter took action to maximize the things he’s really good at, while outsourcing and minimizing the negative impacts of the things he’s traditionally not been so good at.  This is a lesson on how to find the silver lining in a mental health issue!


  1. The issues that may seem like impediments and negatives in your life may actually be pointing you at some of your hidden strengths.
  2. Even when dealing with issues like ADHD or an anxiety disorder, you have talents and strengths that make you special and capable in particular areas of life
  3. The process of recovery from an anxiety disorder often brings your hidden strengths and talents to light.  When we do hard things, we learn what we are good at, and what we might not be so good at.  Nobody is excellent at everything, but everybody is good at something!
  4. The key to finding and leveraging your mental health silver lining lies in finding ways to maximize your strengths and talents, and minimizing your weaknesses and challenging by reaching out to get help from and work with others that can fill those gaps in your life.

About Peter Shankman

Peter is the creator and host of Faster Than Normal. FTN is the Internet’s #1 podcast on ADHD, focusing on the superpowers and gifts of having a “faster than normal brain,” which has helped thousands of people all around the world realize that having a neuroatypical brain is actually a gift, not a curse. Peter is also the author of a book by the same name – Faster Than Normal.  Find Peter, his podcast, and his book at https://fasterthannormal.com.


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Podcast Intro/Outro Music: "Afterglow" by Ben Drake (With Permission)






Founder and host of The Anxious Truth podcast. Therapist-in-training specializing in anxiety and anxiety disorders. Author. Podcaster. Educator. Advocate. Former anxious person.