Downloadable Resources

I've put together a collection of downloadable resources that you should find useful as you move forward in your anxiety recovery. I'll add more downloads from time to time, so check back often!

Want to bring this tutorial with you on your phone or tablet? Download it in MP3 format here.

Relaxation, Breathing, and Selective Focus During Anxiety And Panic


This video will take you through the basics of what it looks like and feels like when you surrender to anxiety or panic. Instead of fighting and fleeing, this is how we relax into the fear, experience it, and let it pass. This is how we learn that we do not have to fear our anxiety and the sensations that come along with it. The basics are relaxing of your body, breathing into your belly, and focusing on your breath rather than on the symptoms and thoughts. This is a difficult skill to learn, and it will NOT make your anxiety go away instantly.

Please do not use is a calming tool or an escape tool to make your panic attacks end. Use it as a LEARNING tool. Understand that even if you did none of this, your panic attacks would end. This is critical!

FREE Fear Ladder and Exposure Planner (PDF)

The worksheet is referenced in chapter 4 of my recovery guide. It is designed to be used as a tool to help you create a well defined exposure and recovery plan. The worksheet will walk you through the steps of identifying your fears, identifying your fear triggers, turning triggers into recovery goals, then categorizing those goals and prioritizing them from easiest to most challenging. The object is to create a well defined recovery and exposure plan that includes measurable goals that you work toward in sequence. This will give you the best chance of succeeding in your recovery efforts

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